King George Park Rozelle

King George Park Rozelle

Posted 2014-05-02 by Justine Crowleyfollow

King George Park has plenty of fun and fitness going for it. There are a myriad of ways you can keep fit (and have an abundance of fun simultaneously) while lapping it out here in the park, irrespective of the weather.

If you're heading down the hill from Victoria Road, you're already welcomed with ample parking options if you're driving to this park. That is not a problem. Many people park on the grassed lawn area otherwise.

There is always a hive of activity on the main oval. Soccer, football and the local little athletics club always have their weekly events on here when in season. The oval is always updated. Personal training fitness groups also work out here.

When there are no sports events happening, people happily walk their dogs through this space rather than around it. On this, you dog is meant to be on a leash. There are rangers that come occasionally and oversee this space, and fines will be issued if you dog/s are off-leash. There are plenty of plastic bags to pick up any dog pooh here as well.

Must I say, the water views are also quite relaxing. You can simply sit nearby a tree, and just take it all in. Up the hill back towards Victoria Road and the Iron Cove Bridges, there is a fitness area that both kids and adults enjoy, and further up is a relatively new (about a few years old) kids play space called Constellation Playground.

Constellation Playground was brought about in response to the second Iron Cove Bridge. The local residents were quite cranky at first, but now everyone is settled and enjoying this space. It is family friendly too, although dogs are not allowed inside the playground. Slippery slides and roundabouts, as well as a sand pit - it is all covered. Not to mention a family BBQ.

Further down towards Callan Park, there is a little beach where people like to take their dogs for a swim. Nearby (and just off one end of the oval) is a large sandpit, of which local schools use for the long jump for their local athletics carnivals; and the local little athletics club uses this pit for the long and triple jump events too.

Otherwise this space is used by the little ones to build sand castles, and to just play in the sand. Dogs also enjoy running in the sand as well. Even the adults amongst us love to get involved in some athletics with doing some of our own long and/or triple jumps. Why not, it is fun to be a little athlete all over again.

A great park, and plenty to do here.

Rating: 10/10

Where: Manning Street Rozelle
Why: Suitable for everyone to get fit while enjoying themselves.
Cost: Free
When: When inspired and wanting to go to the park.

Good for kids: Absolutely. This park is used by local schools and sports clubs, and the Constellation Playground is quite popular too.



237637 - 2023-07-18 01:54:04


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