Boing Central Baulkham Hills

Boing Central Baulkham Hills

Posted 2014-01-09 by Sharm Jayfollow
Watching my kids enjoy themselves jumping on a trampoline at a relatives house, I was seriously considering on getting one and fixing it in our backyard. Before I could act on it a Boing Central opened its doors in the Hills district.

I happily gave up the idea of buying a trampoline for our backyard, only because Boing Central was so close by that it was literally in our own backyard and kids could go have a jumping session whenever they wanted to. Of course there is a fee involved but this didn’t bother me so much as my kids would still have the space in our backyard for that frequent game of cricket they play without a big trampoline on the way.

Boing Central is a huge area with various jumping apparatuses. Boing Central offers something for everyone. Jump central is for those who want to flip and jump to their hearts content. There is that tiny tot central that gives all the safety to the little ones to do their own jumping and flipping without being getting crushed by their bigger siblings. Nets, padding and mats have been laid for the safety of the jumping enthusiast. Once you get tired of jumping, flipping and bouncing - you have the option of relaxing at the games central, or heading off to the café central where you can idle your time eating, drinking and chatting.

Boing Central is a fascinating place for me. As I watched kids jumping continuously for hours, I couldn’t but help want to try it out myself. Later on I found out I actually could if I wanted to, for they conduct trampoline fitness classes for adults starting in January. Oh how excited am I of the prospect of getting up on a trampoline like my gymnastic days. At $20 a class it is much cheaper than other group exercise sessions in the area.

Jumping, flipping and bouncing is not all that is offered at Boing Central. They do organise competitions such as trampoline dodge ball and trampoline basketball. I am curious to know how these games are played, and I'll most certainly will return to Boing Central in a hurry to participate in the options that are aimed at us adults.

Rating: 10/10

Where: Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills
Why: Fun for all ages.
Cost:starting from $10
When: All day

Good for kids: Absolutely



237553 - 2023-07-18 01:32:22


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