Kidstuff Mosman
The Kidstuff frontage beckons you inside to get the shopping started
It's fair to say that just about any toy store is a kids dream. But if possible, Kidstuff on Military Road in Mosman is even more so. Stuffed to the brim with every kind of toy, puzzle, game and costume imaginable, your children will thank you forever if you go shopping for them here.
Kids love the giant nutcracker that stands sentinel by the door
Kidstuff is welcoming before you even step inside. With their bright red frontage and golden lettering, it seems like a toy store from days gone by. This is heightened by the giant glossy soldier nutcracker that stands at the door, a welcome that brings a smile to children's faces. Once inside, you'll see that the store beckons you in for a reason. It is large, neat and well laid out for optimum browsing.
Dress ups for every occasion
Board games that arent like the usual ones you find everywhere
The thing I really love about Kidstuff is that it's not the same old toys that you find everywhere else. Yes, you will find Lego - in fact, quite an impressive collection, and brands like Star Wars; but you'll also find so much else. Retro games like Tiddlywinks are packaged in charming vintage-inspired boxes, and board games that are unlike the usual Twister and Monopoly that you find elsewhere pack the shelves here.
An impressive collection of Lego sets
If you dare, you can even try making the Sydney Opera House out of Lego.
There are a number of aisles that are dedicated to bringing out a child's creativity. From simulated cooking sets, to sachets that actually are made into food, to fashion design journals, to sets that will allow you to build just about anything - Kidstuff has it all. These are the kinds of things I would have loved as a child, and I'll admit they appeal to me even as an adult.
If your boy or girl loves fairies, they will find hundreds of them here.
Kidstuff also has an array of costumes and princess dresses available. There are Disney princess ones in every colour against the back wall, as well as a number of accessories. One of my personal favourite items on a recent visit was a pair of swimming flippers that were joined together and made to look like a mermaid flipper, so that fantasy play in the pool or ocean could really be brought to life.
Action figures include the Star Wars characters
A beautiful rocking horse in the window of the store
There are fun things for all ages here too, from baby plush toys to Lego sets so extravagant that one is even built to mimic the Sydney Opera House. There are books as well, including ones specially designed to help a child improve their reading skills. The staff are very friendly, even if you are just having a browse.
Plush toys for babies, toddlers and bigger kids.
Creative sets like origami are fun for the crafty kid
I have to admit, browsing this store actually makes me wish I had more birthdays for children coming up, just so I could go shopping. But then I'll also admit that I don't really need a reason to buy something - there's more than enough temptation to take home something for my adult self.
Older games are packaged in fun vintage inspired boxes
There is plenty of browsing to be done
Rating: 10/10
Where: 774 Military Road, Mosman.
Why: Because you'll find toys and games different to the usual selection.
Cost: Games and toys can start as low as $6.99
When: Mon-Sat 9:00am - 5:30pm; Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Good for kids: Absolutely, they'll keep asking you to come back.
237595 - 2023-07-18 01:35:22